Leah had her 6-month checkup scheduled today, which was handy because she woke this morning (can you say that someone woke up if they never really went to sleep?) acting sick - no big smiles, a bit listless, and cranky. So we packed up and headed into the city this afternoon, where we learned that she has an ear infection. In both ears, the poor thing. She screamed + cried while the doctor examined her and puked up the baby Tylenol he gave her - into my hand. (Does this mean I'm a real mother now?)
Stats from the appointment (at which she was declared very healthy, otherwise):
head circumference = 17 inches (50th - 75th percentile)
height = 27.5 inches (75th - 90th percentile)
weight = 17.5 lbs (75th - 90th percentile)
We nixed the dinner + concert we were going to tonight, and I'll be staying home from work tomorrow. But I don't care. I just want her to get better.
Oh you poor things. Why is it that when babies are sick, they need to get everyone involved? I mean, c'mon Leah, where's your inner John Wayne? Health and rest soon, for everyone involved!
P.S. I'd blame it on that too-young Santa and sue the dog-obsessed Hamilton Park Association. He probably just scooped poop before taking the Santa throne.
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