Tuesday, November 15, 2005

New stuff

I was so distracted by the teething complaints from Leah that I forgot to update with her other new developments!

She is, of course, ever more observant and aware of her surroundings. She turns her whole body to see things, and is always moving, trying to get to whatever seems interesting. Even though she can't crawl, she can still move an awful lot, and seems to get places by inching her way across surfaces or lurching herself forward.

When she wants to get "up!" she raises her arms at my prompting. This is funny when she's also attempting sit-ups.

While she doesn't really show many signs of separation anxiety, I can tell that she prefers people who are calm over those who are loud and make sudden movements.

And although she is now a crazy wiggle-worm who doesn't want to be put down often, she has also begun snuggling into my shoulder, which is oh-so-nice.

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